Buresh Blog

Buresh Blog: Summer Weather... August Rain... Jags Home Games

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Daily updates on the tropics: “Talking the Tropics With Mike”.

Well - it was the “summer of discontent” when it comes to temps. Much of the Lower 48 was above avg. with notable heat waves. For Jacksonville, meteorological summer (June/July/August) began relatively mild but heated up in July & August. The 3 months at JIA ended up the 2nd hottest since 1971 & was 1.5 degrees above avg. The 74 days at or above 90 degrees was well above the avg. of 60 days... & the 36 - 95+ degree days was double the average.

The 3 months were near to a little above avg. for rainfall in June & July but turned dry in Aug. - especially east of Highway 301 to the beaches. Aug. was still wet more inland & particularly wet closer to the track of Idalia late in the month.

The map below shows the drier than avg. August for many coastal counties:

August radar-estimated rainfall for Northeast Fl. & Southeast Ga. (note the heavy band of rainfall just to the northwest of the track of Idalia):

As we head into autumn, the JIA avg. temps. become much more pleasant:

And the NFL football season has arrived! The Jags first home game is Sat., Sept. 17th when temps. are typically still hot. The average high for each home Jags game this season: