
Florida Uber driver says he recorded confrontation over Trump sticker

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A confrontation over a Donald Trump bumper sticker was caught on camera by a man who says he is an Uber driver in Gainesville.

The Uber driver, Kyle Green who has been a driver for about a year, picked up the rider around midnight. He said the rider became upset when she saw that he had a bumper sticker supporting Donald Trump. The passenger he said kept harassing him about the sticker.

Green said he asked her to get out of the car, and when she refused, he started recording and posted it on Facebook.

The woman can be heard on camera cursing before she exited the car. Green can be heard on camera threatening to use a Taser when she wouldn't leave the vehicle.

Green reported the incident to the company. Uber replied, "Uber policy requires all riders and drivers to treat each other with courtesy and respect. Any incident that puts your safety at risk is taken very seriously. Your concerns about this rider have been noted and we'll make sure you don't get matched with them again."

The company said his ratings are in good standing and "your association is commendable and we are honored to have partners like you at Uber."

View the full post on Facebook (Warning: Graphic language in the video)

Green's post on Facebook:


"Uber rider (Katie) in Gainesville, Florida yelling and cursing at me because I have a Trump sticker on the back of my vehicle.

On the way to her destination she threatened to cut me and constantly called me racist and a bigot over and over for supporting Donald Trump. I asked her to get out of my car and she refused, I was scared for my life when she started getting close to me so I threatened her with a taser..

This is what's wrong with AMERICA! My generation of millennials thinking that they are entitled to everything when they've worked for nothing. I was as nice as I could be to this girl but I just couldn't take it anymore.. Watch below.."

Florida Uber driver says Trump sticker enraged passenger

VIDEO: An Uber driver says he picked up a passenger in Gainesville who became enraged over his Donald Trump sticker -- and recorded the whole thing on camera. Watch the confrontation:

Posted by Action News Jax on Friday, September 9, 2016

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