
Jacksonville City Council District 10 Candidate: Reginald K. Blount

Candidate Name: Reginald K. Blount

Age: 56

Family: YES

Occupation: PROJECT COORDINATOR, Retired Military 29 years.

Education: AS Commercial Graphics and Photography, BA Business Management, MA Public Policy, Grad Certificate; Stability, Security and Development in Complex Operations.

Political Experience: Civilian (none), Civil Governance, US Army

Campaign Website:

What are the three biggest issues facing the citizens of Duval County? 
Public Safety, Possible loss of its public utility JEA to private industry. Workforce Education, Homeless persons.

If you secure a victory, what are your primary goals for your term in office?
Push District Ten, 20 years ahead with mass development (opportunity zones). Public Safety and Gang Activity, Workforce education and employment through public private partnership, establish community action plans for long term improvements in Education, Employment, and Community and Economic Development.

What makes you the best candidate to help the citizens of Duval County?
Experience in Civil Governance, and Policy.  Familiarity with the Districts and its interest.
Expert in Strategic Operations, Communications, Planning, Leadership, and a healthy drive to succeed.

Would you support the privatization of JEA?
The City could benefit from this venture in the short term, however, even though the Mayor and City Council have the authority to sale. A good faith gesture in bringing it before the citizens in a voter referendum might be the best direction since it impacts so many.  The upside could garner a more efficient energy system. Private ownership could spell trouble for career employees, pensions, and eventual rate hikes for Jacksonville.

What is the last book you read? Rules for Radicals, and the Holy Bible. Romans.