Glynn County

Georgia’s path to recovery for K-12 Schools

GEORGIA — Read Georgia’s full reopening plan HERE.

Here are some highlights from the plan:


Conducting regular screening for symptoms and ongoing self-monitoring throughout the school day can help reduce exposure. Teachers, staff, and students should be encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. If a student develops symptoms throughout the day, they must notify an adult immediately. More information on how to monitor for symptoms is available from the CDC.

Schools are required to enforce teachers, staff, and students stay home if:

  • They have tested positive for OR are showing COVID-19 symptoms, until they meet DPH’s “Return to School Guidance After COVID-19 Illness or Exposure”.
  • They have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19, until the meet DPH’s “Return to School Guidance After COVID-19 Illness or Exposure”.
  • Advise positive or ill individuals of DPH’s home isolation criteria:
  • Keep a daily log of teachers, staff, and students who a) did not attend school due to COVID-19-related illness or b) were sent home due to displaying COVID-19 symptoms and report cases to district public health officials (see Map of Georgia Public Health Districts and Directory of Georgia District Health Directors).
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