
Help Puerto Rico: Hurricane Maria supply drive this Sunday

The Puerto Rican & Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is hosting a supply drive for storm-ravaged Puerto Rico this Sunday, Oct. 1. The event will be at the Jacksonville Landing from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. All items will be donated to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. The storm has devastated the island; half of Puerto Rico doesn't have safe drinking water and millions are still without power.  
Supplies needed include:
Hygiene products: razors, deodorant, soap, dry shampoo,
toothpaste/brush, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, gloves, wipes, female
products, baby and adult diapers, paper, rubbing alcohol, antiseptic pads, toilet
paper, paper towels, mosquito repellent.
- Utilities: Batteries (AAA, AA, C and D), flashlights, rope, tarps, plastic
trash bags, air mattress, blankets, cleaning products, disinfecting wipes,
battery powered fans/radios, propane gas stoves, disposable
- Food: Water, dry & canned food, boxed or canned milk, ready to eat
- Clothing: Summer clean clothing for kids and adults, shoes.