
Jacksonville Jaguars, fans react to president's comments and political statements

Members of the entire Jaguars organization shared their response Sunday to the president’s comments at a rally earlier in the week calling for owners to fire players on the spot who kneel during the anthem.

While the Jaguars blew out the Ravens 44-7, a large focus was on the events before kick-off.
Several Jaguars players took a knee during the playing of the national anthem before the game in London Sunday and Jags owner Shad Khan locked arms with players; no players were kneeling during the playing of the British national anthem.

Khan released a statement shortly after the anthem calling it a privilege and the president's words divisive and contentious.

Local fans who voiced their reaction to this decision had many different opinions.

"I don't agree with it. They wouldn't be playing if not for people fighting across the sea,” said Cooper Cowan.

“That’s freedom of expression. If we lose that we are not the United States anymore,” said Bill Guerrant.

“I don't think this is the forum for NFL to be politics. Don't like it. I don't think it's right,” said David Starr.

Shad Khan also said in his statement, “Our team and the national football league reflects our nation which diversity coming in many forms.

Khan went on to say, “We have a lot of work to do. Can do it but comments by the president make it harder.”

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