
Sea turtle nesting season begins in Northeast Florida

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. — The month of May starts sea turtle nesting season on many Florida beaches. This impacts beachgoers at all of Jacksonville’s beaches.

Wildlife officials want to remind beachgoers to keep a safe distance from sea turtle nests.

They want to educate others that sea turtle nests will be surrounded by brightly colored ribbon.

Residents are asked to turn off or adjust their lighting along the beach in order to prevent turtles from getting confused and going toward lights on land instead of toward the nests.

Sea turtles can get trapped or confused by beach furniture and accessories left on the beach at night. Officals are asking that such items as chairs, umbrellas and buckets be removed every time you leave the beach.

Beachgoer Alex Ablaya told us she understands the importance of picking up after herself.

“It’s (sea turtles are) beautiful and they’re cute and it’s nice to see (the hatchlings go into the water.) But it’s sad, when you see plastic bags, that they can mistake it for food, and they can eat it and choke.”

The season lasts through the end of October.

To learn more about sea turtle protection and laws, visit myfwc.com

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