
Operation Blue Roof available for St. Johns County residents

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Operation Blue Roof is available to residents in St. John's County.

Operation Blue Roof is a program that sends contractors to install blue plastic sheeting as a way to reduce further damage to storm-impacted homes until they can be repaired.

The installation is available at no cost to eligible primary residences with standard shingled roofs.

Roofs with greater than 50 percent structural damage, however, are not eligible for Operation Blue Roof.

Rental properties must provide legal permission for a blue roof to be installed as well as legal permission from their landlord to continue occupying the residence until more permanent repairs are made.

Homeowners must sign a right of entry (ROE) form to allow government employees and contractors onto their property to assess damage and install the temporary covering.

For more information, visit the Operation Blue Roof webpage.