Buresh Blog

Buresh Blog: Tempest N‘hood weather...Weatherperson of the Year...Travel weather...White Christmas

Buresh Blog

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Last minute shopping - the First Alert Neighborhood Weather Station powered by Tempest. You can get 10% off the instrument * here *... & become part of our weather reporting network you see on t.v.:

Well - I am remarkably humbled & honored to be nominated for 2024′s “Weatherperson of the Year” by FLASH (Federal Alliance for Safe Homes). Just to be mentioned alongside Dr. Phil Klotzbach, Bill Read, Bryan Norcross & Nicondra Norwood is more than reward enough. The list of past winners is a sort of Weather Hall of Fame & includes: Ken Graham, Ginger Zee, James Spann, Joe Snedeker, Ada Monzon, Dr. Richard Knabb, Mayfield, Alex Garcia, Jim Cantore & Matthew Cappucci.

You can go * here * to vote at Action News Jax... &/or use the barcode below:

‘Tis the travel season. Wishing everyone the very best of the holidays. For travel conditions on the highways & interstates, click * here * ... U.S. state by state info. * here * ... for airport delays & any cancellations click * here *.

And if you’re dreaming of a White Christmas... well - much of the country will not have much snow cover & dreaming is what one will have to do. The maps below are the % chance of a White Christmas based on climatology while the 2nd map is reality: