
SUV crashes into fire hydrant in Arlington

A man was cited for careless driving after he crashed an SUV into a fire hydrant in Arlington on Sunday.

Neighbors said the SUV was speeding before it hit the hydrant and a fence at the intersection of Colmbine Drive and Rogero Road.

Gallons of water flushed the street and caused the truck to sink.

James Brandel, whose fence was hit, said this is the second time in a few years a car has damaged his property. Water also flooded part of his lawn.

"The right rear wheel was sitting on top of the fence there,” said Brandel.“The car just slowly started tilting and going down under ground."

Brandel said a car drove into his home about three years ago.

Neighbors said people speed down Rogero Road and they want it to stop.

“You need a caution light on Rogero and Columbine,” said neighbor Kandace Knuttson.

Crews removed the SUV around 3 p.m. and JEA crews cleaned up the water.

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