
Patients in limbo after doctor accused of huffing and driving surrenders medical license

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — A local doctor accused of huffing chemicals while driving has voluntarily given up his medical license.

Last month, Action News Jax reported Dr. James Militello was arrested after crashing into a power pole.

Now, his patients feel like they have been left hanging without answers.

We were at Militello's office on Old Moultrie Road on Wednesday when Demera Sherman arrived for an appointment with her 17-year-old daughter, who is one of his patients. 

Sherman played us a voicemail confirming her daughter's appointment Wednesday afternoon, however office doors were locked and the office is dark.

"They have rescheduled me from Oct. 30, they said it was a family issue that was going on, and I'm here today and nobody is answering the door," said Sherman.

Dr. Militello was arrested back in October by St. Augustine police, after a witness reported him he swerving off the road into a power pole guide line.

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A deputy says Militello then admitted to huffing an electronic duster, while driving.

We have reported 3 separate incidents involving Dr. Militello and cans of electronic dusters.

The Department of Health said the podiatrist requested to voluntarily withdraw his license Nov. 2, and it was final Nov. 6.

Sherman said she had no idea about his arrest or that he had stopped practicing, and this is the third time the appointment was rescheduled.

"They keep rescheduling and rescheduling because of family issues and I don't know what to do," said Sherman.

Sherman said she will now have to go back to the doctor that recommended Dr. Militello and try to get a recommendation for someone else, which may be difficult because of her insurance.

"It's upsetting that I am here today, and I took off from work. I'm missing time and he's not even here and I just checked them out of school early," said Sherman. 

We have tried to reach out to Militello at his last listed address and office several times, and have yet to speak with him.

A source tells Action News Jax that he is still in rehab in another city.

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