
Police: Thieves looking for valuables in cars

FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. — The Flagler County Sheriff's Office warns that thieves are looking for easy access to valuables.

FCSO gives the warning after several complaints about car break-in's throughout the county last weekend.

According to a FCSO news release, the thieves smashed windows and took items. The thefts were reported at Jungle Hut, James Holland and Varn parks.

Items taken include purses, credit cards, cash and driver's licenses, the release said.

“As the Florida weather heats up, there is increased activity at the beaches and parks,” said Sheriff James L. Manfre. “Citizens are encouraged to leave valuables at home or lock important items inside the trunk.”

The release said similar incidents were also reported in neighborhoods and parking lots where thieves entered vehicles that were left unlocked. Items reportedly taken in these incidents include laptops, GPS devices, CDs and more.