
Veteran getting answers after having trouble getting prescription from the VA

A veteran having issues getting medication he says he needs from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs finally got answers Monday.

Horace Head served the country from 2005 to 2013 in the U.S. Marine Corps, deploying four times.

During those years, he was around helicopters and fumes, and says he became asthmatic.

He says he was given a prescription for an inhaler to help him breathe.

“Without it, it’s like an elephant sitting on your chest. It’s very hard to do the day-to-day things,” Head said.

But last week when he went to refill his inhaler after it ran out, he was told his prescription was no good.

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“The prescription is expired even though it’s something I need for the rest of my life,” Head said.

He sent the VA an email but didn’t hear back until Monday, after Action News Jax also contacted the department to try and get answers for him.

This isn’t the first time Head has had issues with the VA.

Last year, we spoke with him when he had problems with the same prescription.

“I tried to refill a prescription online and the prescription no longer existed and when I contacted the VA they told me I hadn’t had that medication before,” Head said.

Head said for the first time ever, the VA called him Monday about the issues.

Head said he spoke directly to the chief of the pharmacy, who told him this most recent issue was a technicality and they are working on refilling his prescription.