
Viral bullying video: Story about boy, mother takes stunning twist

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The viral video showing a Tennessee boy tearfully speaking out against bullies captured the hearts of Americans this weekend. Now, the family is dealing with backlash over photos featuring the Confederate flag, along with questions about the legitimacy of a GoFundMe page.

RELATED: Bullied boy's confessional video resonating across the globe

In the viral video, Keaton Jones said, "People that are different, don't need to be criticized about it. It's not their fault. But if you are made fun of just don't let it bother you."

The video was filmed by his mother, Kimberly Jones, and she is now getting attention for the wrong reasons.

TMZ reported Keaton's mom has been accused of being a racist, after photos were found of her and family members with a Confederate flag.


In addition, a GoFundMe account for Keaton has been frozen. The man who created the page, which has raised more than $56,000 but TMZ reports the crowdfunding site is trying to get in touch with Keaton’s mom to confirm her family would be the ones receiving the money.

The page was created by a man who said he saw Keaton's story and wanted to help. He said in an update on the page that he doesn't "know the family personally and never claimed to have known them."

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The video of Keaton quickly spread this weekend and it's easy to understand why. The middle school student was emotional as he talks about being bullied during lunch.

"I don't like that they do it to me, and I for sure don't like that they do it to other people because it's not okay," Jones said.

Celebrities and athletes across the country, including members of the Tennessee Titans and Memphis Grizzlies, pledged support for Keaton.

On Tuesday, Kimberly Jones talked about the viral video and addressed backlash over Confederate flag pictures in an interview with CBSNews.

She said the photos were meant to be "ironic" and "funny."

READ: Full CBSNews story

Still, questions about his mother's past have people second-guessing if they should donate to or offer help to the family at all.

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