
"Talking the Tropics With Mike": A couple of tropical waves over the Atlantic

Oct. 16, 2017 — Photos: Must-see photos of Irma damage in Jacksonville area .... hurricane Irma recap

"Disturbance east of the Bahamas.... flare-up of storms over the Gulf...

The "Buresh Bottom Line": Always be prepared!..... City of Jacksonville Preparedness Guide... Georgia Hurricane Guide.

A strong tropical wave  & surface trough of low pressure extends from near Puerto Rico northward for several hundred miles.  Some gradual development of this disturbance is possible as the system turns north then northeast staying far to the east of the U.S.

Another tropical wave - at a lower latitude - is hundreds of miles east of the Lesser Antilles.  This wave is not likely to make it very far west before turning north then northeast.

A cluster of t'storms is over the Gulf of Mexico related to an upper level disturbance + an approaching cold front - tropical development is not expected.

Interesting map below tweeted by Erik Pindrock shows virtually all of Fl. has experienced at least tropical storm force winds this year... as well as the entire Gulf Coast... & as far north as N. Carolina on the east coast:

Deep oceanic heat content is still very evident - especially over the Caribbean.....

Sea surface temp. anomalies:

East Atlantic IR satellite:

Mid & upper level wind shear (enemy of tropical cyclones) analysis (CIMMS).

SE U.S. surface map:

Surface analysis centered on the tropical Atlantic:


Surface analysis of the Gulf:



Extensive hurricane Irma recap - click here.

One year ago this week - hurricane Matthew made its closest approach to Jacksonville -